Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother’s Day!

Well we survived another holiday. Hannah has been so excited for Mother's day that she has been almost bursting for a week now. Any holiday that includes making cards, drawing special pictures and singing songs is right up her ally! Of course during the church program she sang many of the songs with her head hanging upside down but she smiled the whole time! Adam did a great job singing and was very dignified the whole time. Jack abstained, I'm sure he knows the songs but singing them out loud would be unthinkable for him. Connor did his best to make sure I didn't forget he was there. And I am really proud of Aaron for actually taking notes during the talks.

Before I even woke up John was up and trying to help me out by doing dishes. As he started to take out the garbage he noticed a puddle under the sink. It was a small puddle so he decided to tighten the pipes to fix it. As he tried to tighten them he found that the top of the pipe was no longer attached to the sink! The metal part of the drain that attaches to the pipes hat corroded away until the pipe was just catching water that fell its way! So in addition to a cleaner house I now have a repaired sink and some new plumbing tools ;)