Wednesday, December 5, 2007

'S', 'T', circle, 'P'.

Just before I took the girls out to lunch on Saturday I was sitting in the front room with John who was playing some music for me to listen to. Jack gets very annoyed when his dad's music interferes with his own internal soundtrack. He came in the room, turned to the wall and started writing letters with his finger. As he did it he named his letters, S, T, circle, P and then turned around and looked at John and said 'Stop'. He is working on learning the letters in his name at school but they said they haven't discussed the word stop. But then they would have taught him to say 'O' instead of circle! I am just fascinated when I can get a glimpse of how he works things out in what must be a very confusing world to him. Here is an example of him writing his own name at school, it has taken us years to get him to hold a pencil for more than three seconds.


Gennaveeve said...

It is so funny what kids pick up with out someone showing them. What a smart kid. But he was probably spelling it out so dad would understand him better ;-)

Jen said...

This is such a cool story! Even Andy was able to make out what it said without me telling him beforehand. I love it!! It constantly amazes me the things that Mikey picks up too that I don't even know he's aware of.