Friday, November 9, 2007

Doctor visit.

Today when I took Connor in for his shots I asked the doctor about the funny pattern on Hannah's hand. We haven't been able to figure out what it was but had ruled out anything contagious. The doctor recognized it instantly and called it 'ring of pearls' and then by it's real name, subcutaneous granuloma annulare. Apparently it is an inflammation that is harmless and often goes away after a few years. One side note is that it is occasionally associated with autoimmune disorders. We seem to encounter autoimmune issues from someone in the family at least every few years. Just one of those things that make you go 'hmmm'.


angeliclenore said...

A FEW YEARS!! So it's just a shot amount of time! Oh my goodness! Is it itchy or anything? Or just a cute "O" on her hand?

West Valley Mom said...

She didn't even notice it until we pointed it out. So it is just a cute little 'O' that most likely won't turn into more.

Cyndi Barker said...

Once Joel was diagnosed with "ring worm", however when the treatment wouldn't work we went to a dermatologist who to one look at him and said, "It is exzema!" One dose of the right ointment and it was gone. You are related to a lot of people with exzema and it is easy to fix.

West Valley Mom said...

We were worried it was ringworm at first. Then we treated it with exzema cream because John and Adam get exzema pretty often. It didn't respond to that and it is under the surface of the skin instead of on top.

Jen said...

Wow! I've never heard of anything like that. Anything that has to do with skin and autoimmune disorders now makes me so nervous because of my mom. Every time I see a sore on me or the kids, I just about freak out. Glad the doctor was able to identify it and feels it is harmless.