Well it is Hannah's turn and she will be so thrilled to see herself on my 'web site'! With Hannah a picture really does say a thousand words.

She is very girly and loves to be beautiful and to dress up like a princess…

…but she is also a tomboy and just as happy to roll in dirt and play dinosaurs with the boys.
Not that you can't do those things dressed like a princess of course!

She is sweet and caring but her mind and body are equaly active so she has a tendancy to flit around (she has been known to catch flying moths because they seem to move about in the same unpredictable way).
My favorite story about this was just after my Gandfather's funeral. We had gone back to visit the gravesite with my mother. My mom looked over to see Hannah with big tears rolling down her face. When she leanded down to Hannah, Hannah said, "Don't worry Grandma, I'm just sad be cause he was a nice grandpa and now he is under the dirt."

My mom hugged her and started to tell her that she didn't need to worry because he wasn't realy under the dirt when Hannah interupted her and said cheerfully, "Can I go play now?" At least she doesn't have the attention span for the sad stuff either!